10 Most  Demanding  IT skills in 2024  with free learning source

 AI ML continues to evolve, it is essential to embrace this skill to stay ahead of the curve. Understanding Python, statistics, and math is crucial for AI ML, which includes supervised learning, unsupervised learning, deep learning, NLP, and generative AI.


Software engineering is poised for a bright future, driven by technological advancements like artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. Collaboration, adaptability, and sustainability are crucial. The career offers continuous learning, diverse opportunities, and a central role in tech-driven solutions.

Software Engineering

Data Scientist careers are expected to thrive as businesses use data for strategic decision-making. With the growth of data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, demand for skilled data scientists will increase. They will play a crucial role in extracting insights, predicting trends, and driving innovations across industries, offering continuous learning opportunities and shaping the future of data-driven innovation.

Data Scientist

Full stack development is another area with high job demand in 2023-2024. A full stack developer should have knowledge of front end, back end, and database development. The MERN stack, which includes MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js, is another popular tech stack for building applications like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Full stack development

Cloud computing careers involve managing, designing, and optimizing cloud-based systems, enhancing data storage, accessibility, and application performance. With growing demand for skilled professionals in platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, a dynamic, continuous learning career is crucial for digital transformation.

Cloud Computing

DevOps engineers streamline software delivery by bridging the gap between development and operations, ensuring continuous integration, automating procedures, and improving teamwork. Their proficiency in scripting, automation technologies, and teamwork makes them indispensable in IT settings. Their diverse jobs, ranging from system administrators to release engineers, promote innovation and scalability, making them highly sought after in companies.

DevOps Engineers

Blockchain definitely is a futuristic skills. The future is definitely going to be a decentralized system and blockchain helps you achieve that. So if you're trying to make something new, if you want to have some kind of early bird advantage, if you want to learn something which not many people are proficient right now and I think blockchain is something you should definitely invest time. It will help you to do the things in a decentralized development. So this is one skill which I strongly believe that you should master in the year 2024 if you want to keep yourself separated from the others.


With companies depending more and more on data-driven insights, professions in data analytics are expected to grow in the coming years. The need for qualified analysts is predicted to increase as big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence continue to grow. Understanding complicated data sets, guiding strategic choices, and opening doors to innovations across a range of industries will all be made possible by data analysts.

Data Analytics

The importance of UI and UX engineers is increasing rapidly, with high salaries. Mastering this specialized profession is crucial for those with artistic pursuits and a desire to build creative projects in the tech field. In 2024, those with a passion for detail and artistic pursuits can make a significant impact in the IT industry by mastering UI UX.

UI and UX Engineers

Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important as people online increasingly become smarter and more aware of potential threats. Companies like Amazon, Yahoo, and Zoom have experienced hacking, making it crucial to invest in specialized roles to maintain system security. Ethical hackers can help maintain application security and prevent external threats. In 2024, individuals can pursue a specialization in cybersecurity to better protect their systems from external threats. Investing time in this niche role can help ensure businesses remain secure and prevent potential breaches. Overall, cybersecurity is a crucial skill to develop in the digital age.

Cyber Security

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